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Ryan Kwanten lets us in – a little bit – by answering some Q&A on somethings you may not know about him.

Tell us one thing the general public doesn’t know about you:
Never been beaten in a game of Scrabble.

Describe your daily routine:
For some strange reason there is no routine to any of my days. All very random, but somehow still works.

If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
Having some Aussie seafood at mum and dad’s house with the family.

Who was your first kiss? Was it any good?
First kiss was from a girl named Poppy. It was surprising. She was a couple of years older and taught me a few things…

What super power would you like to have?
To harness my thoughts or imaginings into reality.

What’s your guilty pleasure?
They say chocolate is a guilty pleasure. For me,  I feel absolutely no guilt in devouring it. All pleasure.

Movies that make you cry?
A movie called “Mask.” Not “The Mask.” “I Am Sam.” “Braveheart.” “Life Is Beautiful.”

Is there another celebrity you’ve always wanted to meet and haven’t yet?
Stephen W. Hawking

What is your favorite book?
Many favorite books. My favorite book of the moment is “Outliers” by Malcolm Gladwell.

What’s a surprising activity you do in your free time?
Yodel…. joke. I cook.

What goes in your carry-on bag on the plane?
A latest book, my latest script(s), 2 iPods, writing paper and a pen.

What’s your favorite alcoholic or non-alcoholic drink?
Don Julio Anejo or Heineken.

Who is your celebrity crush?
Jennifer Connelly

What do your friends make fun of you for?
Anything. I’m surprisingly easy to make fun of. And if they won’t do it, I’ll do it myself.

What is your favorite song to sing in the car?
“Come Pick Me Up,” Ryan Adams

What food can you not resist?
Dessert of any kind.

What is your deepest fear?
The death of my loved ones.

What clique did you belong to in high school?
I didn’t really BELONG to any group. I just sort of floated from group to group and somehow got away with it.

If you could jam with one person dead or alive, who would it be?
The Rolling Stones

Ecrit par maria91 
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