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The tweens can keep R-Patz — we're obsessed with Stephen Moyer, True Blood's sexy and sophisticated vampire, and his sweet real-life romance with co-star Anna Paquin.

Your character, Bill, just got engaged to his love Sookie, and you're also engaged to Anna Paquin, the actress who plays Sookie, in real life. When did you know Anna was "the one"?
It was when I was away from her. When we were filming the pilot, we were the only two actors who didn't live in Los Angeles, so we ended up going to dinner almost every night. When we finished filming, I went to London and she went to New York, and it felt so weird not to talk to her. So we began Skyping and have been together ever since!

What is your onscreen chemistry like?
Everybody on set now gets to see what goes on behind closed doors. We leave nothing to the imagination! [Laughs] But our love scenes actually work really well. Since the crew knows we do have chemistry and are together in real life, I feel like it takes away from the nerve-racking tension that can occur when people have to watch two actors who are just getting to know each other engage in an intimate scene.

Why do people love vampires so much? Any vampire tricks that real guys can use to sweep women off their feet?
Vampires are so old that they don't need to impress anyone anymore. They're comfortable in their own skin. It's this enigmatic strength that's very romantic and old-fashioned. I think it goes back to something of a Victorian attitude of finding a strong man who's going to look after his woman. Bill represents the kind of guy who is bad and dark, but ultimately, he'll defend you with his life if it comes to it.

How do you romance your fiancée?
Our romance is based on some really great food and great restaurants and a similar taste in music. We share a lot of things. We live by the beach, and often when it's 10 o'clock at night, we'll walk out with the dogs and a drink and sit on the beach. It's one of our favorite things to do.

So what have you learned about women from Anna?
You know, men would much rather run away than talk about stuff, and my default setting has always been, If you have an argument, walk out the door. Anna's brilliant: She won't let me walk away. Instead, we talk and we try to get things out in the open. The main thing that Anna has taught me is absolute transparency and honesty and truth. Even if you know that what you'll say will hurt a woman's feelings, I've learned that it's better to be truthful with her than it is to cover up. Ultimate honesty is what a relationship is really about.

Ecrit par maria91 
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